About Divine Dees Care


At Divine Dees care, we believe it is important for all young adults to live a healthy life, enjoy while achieving, achieve economic well-being, to stay safe and to make a positive contribution to themselves and the community. We are building a great reputation for providing specialized care for young people with challenging behavior and/or emotional needs in semi-independent and 24-hour supervised housing settings. Our services are provided in accordance with the Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000 and the children acts 1989 and 2004 and all relevant government statutory regulations.

Our Mission

We believe that every young person in fulfilment of that right should have opportunities to live a full life with dignity, self-determination and responsibilities.

• Semi-independent and 24-hour supervised accommodation should be a skilled service delivered by committed staff in safe, appropriately structured and caring environment.

• The Company and staff believe that ‘quality matters’ and plan, deliver and review services to the highest professional standards at all times in order to secure the best possible outcomes for our young people.

Our Objectives

At Divine Dees Care our aim is to guide our young people to independence and selfreliance, equipping them with all the skills and confidence they need to lead healthy, happy and fulfilling lives and be valuable members of our society.

We believe Young people are most likely to realise their goals if they are treated with respect and dignity and there is a strong foundation of trust irrespective of race, religion, gender, culture, sexuality or social disadvantages they have the right to develop their personal and educational potential to the full and the responsibility to contribute to society through positive citizenship.

We know that young people can quickly overcome the challenges that cause and arise from homelessness and our mission is to make sure homelessness becomes a single moment in their history not a regular event.

We achieve this by listening to what young people tell us works and making sure our services address their needs and ambitions.

Our Support

The support to our young people is to respond effectively to their changing needs in a focused and dynamic way that will enable them to learn, develop and reach their full potential.
We provide a minimum of 5 hours key work session every week and ensure that we make face to face contact with young people on a daily basis. When situation warrants, appropriate safeguarding protocol are triggered to minimise risks to young people.
We have built our structure in line with the following:
The ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda
The UN convention on the Rights of the Child
The principles of Residential Care

Everyone is most important in the world because you are....